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Ideas & Recommendations


Quantity recommendations


Aisle scatter : 

40 cups for a medium Centre scatter / 80 cups for a fuller look.

80 cups to line both sides  of an aisle /120 cups for fuller look.

Confetti :   

40Cups will provide around 40 guest with a handful each and is an idea amount for a photo opportunity.  80cups will provide around 60guest with a handful each and 20cups to use in your professional photo shoot with your bridal party.

Flower Girl Baskets:   4cups will be plenty for a standard flower girl basket

Table Scatter:  4cups per 8-10 seat table / 12cups will be required for a bridal table.

Throwing cones:  Standard throwing cones will require around 1 cup each. 


Ideas for our Rose Petals


High Tea:

Table Decorations : 4 cups per 8-10 seat table

Pinata Petals : 12cups 

 Proposals/honeymoons/date nights:   

4 cups will be required for either a scatter over a table/picnic rug or bath

12 cups will be required for a bed scatter

24cups will be required for a heart shape/sign scatter

Crafts :   

Letter/invitations petals - 4 cups will be perfect to add some petals to around 15 -20 invitations/letters to add some charm and color and a definate wow effect when opened!

Bath bombs/bath soak: 4 cups will add colour and romance to around 10 bath bombs or 8 servings of bath soak.


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Ideas & Recommendations

  • Product Code: Ideas
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $0.00

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